CRYSTALpytools.base package
CRYSTALpytools.base.basisset module
Basis set definitions.
- class AtomBS(z, nshell, ECP=None)
Basis set class for CRYSTALpytools
- Parameters:
z (int) – Conventional atomic number
nshell (int) – Number of shells
ECP (str) – Effective core potential, printed before basis sets
- define_a_shell(ITYB, LAT, NG, CHE, SCAL, orbitals=[])
Define shells of atomic basis sets. Arguments are consistent with CRYSTAL manual.
- Parameters:
ITYB (int) – Type of Gaussain orbitals
LAT (int) – Angular momentum
NG (int) – Number of Gaussian orbitals
CHE (float) – Charge
SCAL (float) – Scaling factor
orbitals (list) – nGTO*2 or nGTO*3 (sp type) list of exponent and contraction factors
- Returns:
obj (AtomBS)
- classmethod read_bse(bs, z)
Read basis sets saved in Basis Set Exchange(BSE) dictionary format and assign charge.
All electron basis sets only. Atoms are charge neutral.
- Parameters:
bs (str) – Name of basis set
z (int) – Conventional atomic number
- Returns:
obj (AtomBS)
- classmethod read_crystal(text)
Analyze text in CRYSTAL format.
- print_crystal()
Print basis set into CRYSTAL format
- class BasisSetBASE(atoms=[])
The basisset object base object, as the class of basis sets defined for the whole system. Basis sets from string, file or Basis Set Exchange(BSE), can be read and saved as a list of
objects.- classmethod from_bse(bs, z)
Get or append basis sets from Basis Set Exchange(BSE).
- Parameters:
bs (str) – Name of basis set. Only one name is accepted.
z (int | list[int]) – Conventional atomic number.
- Returns:
- classmethod from_string(bs, fmt='crystal')
Parse basis set strings.
- Parameters:
bs (str) – Basis set string.
fmt (str) – Format string. Consistent with BSE python API. For non- CRYSTAL formats, only all-electron basis sets are supported. Charge of each shell will be automatically assigned to get charge neutral atoms if
is not ‘crystal’.
- Returns:
- classmethod from_file(bs, fmt='crystal')
Parse basis set files.
- Parameters:
bs (str) – Basis set file.
fmt (str) – Format string. Consistent with BSE python API. For non- CRYSTAL formats, only all-electron basis sets are supported. Charge of each shell will be automatically assigned to get charge neutral atoms.
- Returns:
- print_crystal()
Print the information into CRYSTAL basis set format
CRYSTALpytools.base.crysd12 module
Classes and methods of keywords used in ‘crystal’ input file (d12).
- class Crystal_inputBASE(geba=False)
The base class of Crystal_input class
- Parameters:
geba (bool) – Whether it is a normal d12 object or a GEBA subblock
- property geom
Geometry subblock
- property basisset
Basis set subblock
- property scf
SCF subblock
- property data
Settings in all the attributes are summarized here.
- analyze_text(data)
Analyze formatted d12 file. A ‘complete’ d12 file with geometry, basis set and SCF blocks is suggested.
- Parameters:
data (str) – Formatted string.
- class Geom
Geometry block object
- property data
Settings in all the attributes are summarized here. Covers the data property in BlockBASE, to address the ambiguity of ‘MOLECULE’ keywords.
- analyze_text(text)
Overrides the same method from parent class for title line.
- title(title='Generated by CRYSTALpytools')
- crystal(IGR='', latt=[], atom=[], IFLAG=0, IFHR=0, IFSO=0, origin=[])
Define ‘CRYSTAL’ structure
- Parameters:
sg (int) – Space group number. Parameter IGR in the manual
latt (list) – Minimal set of crystallographic cell parameters
atom (list) – Natom * 4 list of conventional atomic number and 3D fractional coordinates.
IFLAG (int) – See the manual
IFHR (int) – See the manual
IFSO (int) – See the manual
origin (list) – IFSO > 1 See the manual
- slab(IGR='', latt=[], atom=[])
Define ‘SLAB’ structure
- polymer(IGR='', latt=[], atom=[])
Define ‘POLYMER’ structure
- helix(N1='', N2=0, latt=[], atom=[])
Define ‘HELIX’ structure
- Parameters:
N1 (int) – See the manual
N2 (int) – See the manual
- molecule(IGR='', atom=[])
Define ‘MOLECULE’ structure
- external(external='')
Define ‘EXTERNAL’ structure
- dlvinput(dlvinput='')
Define ‘DLVINPUT’ structure
- supercel(mx='')
Supercell by ‘SUPERCEL’ keyword
- Parameters:
mx (array | list | str) – ndimen * ndimen matrix,
- supercon(mx='')
Supercell by ‘SUPERCON’ keyword
- scelconf(mx='')
Supercell by ‘SCELCONF’ keyword
- scelphono(mx='')
Supercell by ‘SCELPHONO’ keyword
- elastic(IDEF='', mx='')
- atombsse(IAT='', NSTAR=None, RMAX=None)
- atomdisp(NDISP='', atom=[])
ATOMDISP keyword
- Parameters:
NDISP (int) – See manual
atom (list) – NDISP*4 list. Including LB, DX, DY, DZ
- atominse(NINS='', atom=[])
ATOMINSE keyword
- Parameters:
NINS (int) – See manual
atom (list) – NINS*4 list. Including NA, X, Y, Z
- atomorde(atomorde='')
- atomremo(NL='', atom=[])
ATOMREMO keyword
- Parameters:
NL (int) – See manual
atom (list) – NL*1 list. Including LB
- atomsubs(NSOST='', atom=[])
ATOMSUBS keyword
- Parameters:
NSOST (int) – See manual
atom (list) – NSOST*2 list. Conventional atomic number of atoms to be substituted and to substituted
- molecule2(NMOL='', atom=[])
Corresponds to the option MOLECULE to isolate molecules from lattice. Only the method’s name is changed to avoid ambiguity with the one to set 0D geometry.
- Parameters:
NMOL (int)
atom (list[list[int]]) – NMOL*4 list. See CRYSTAL manual.
- extprt(extprt='')
- cifprt(cifprt='')
- cifprtsym(cifprtsym='')
- coorprt(coorprt='')
- testgeom(testgeom='')
- property optgeom
Subblock object OPTGEOM
- property freqcalc
Subblock object FREQCALC
- class Optgeom
OPTGEOM block object
- fulloptg(fulloptg='')
- cellonly(cellonly='')
- intredun(intredun='')
- itatocel(itatocel='')
- cvolopt(cvolopt='')
- hessiden(hessiden='')
- hessmod1(hessmod1='')
- hessmod2(hessmod2='')
- hessnum(hessnum='')
- toldeg(TG=0.0003)
- toldex(TX=0.0012)
- toldee(IG=7)
- maxcycle(MAX=50)
- fragment(NL='', LB=[])
- Parameters:
NL (int | str) – Number of atoms. See manual
LB (list[int]) – Label of atoms. See manual
- restart(restart='')
- finalrun(ICODE=4)
- extpress(pres='')
- allowtrustr(allowtrustr='')
- notrustr(notrustr='')
- maxtradius(TRMAX=4.0)
- trustradius(TRADIUS=0.5)
- onelog(onelog='')
- noxyz(noxyz='')
- nosymmops(nosymmops='')
- printforces(printforces='')
- printhess(printhess='')
- printopt(printopt='')
- print(prt='')
- tsopt(tsopt='')
- modefollow(MODEFOL='')
- pathfollow(NPATHFOL='')
- fittopath(NPATHFOL2='', NPATHWEIGHT='')
- chngtsfol(chngtsfol='')
- scanatom(NATSCAN='', TARGET='', MSCAN='')
- scanredu(IREDSCA='', ENDSCA='', MAXSCA='')
- class Freqcalc
FREQCALC block object
- nooptgeom(nooptgeom='')
- property preoptgeom
Subblock object PREOPTGEOM
- dispersion(dispersion='')
- bands(ISS='', NSUB=None, NLINE=None, points=[])
- modes(modes='')
- nomodes(nomodes='')
- numderiv(N=1)
- pressure(NP='', P1=None, P2=None)
- restart(restart='')
- stepsize(STEP=0.003)
- temperat(NT='', T1=None, T2=None)
- class BasisSet
Basis Set block object
- property data
Settings in all the attributes are summarized here. Covers the data property in BlockBASE, to deal with user’s definition of basis sets.
- analyze_text(text)
Analyze the input and return to corresponding attributes. Add support to basis set strings
- basisset(NAME='')
- ghosts(NA='', LA=[])
- from_bse(name, z, append=False)
Download basis set definitions from Basis Set Exchange (BSE).
- Parameters:
name (str) – Basis set’s name.
z (list[int]) – List of elements, specified by conventional atomic numbers.
append (bool) – Whether to cover old entries. If the old entry contains ‘BASISSET’, it will be removed anyway. Useful when different series of basis sets are defined
- from_string(string, fmt='crystal', append=False)
Basis set from a string
- Parameters:
string (str) – Basis set definition.
fmt (str) – Format string. Consistent with BSE python API. For non-CRYSTAL formats, only all-electron basis sets are supported. Charge of each shell will be automatically assigned to get charge neutral atoms.
append (bool) – Whether to cover old entries. If the old entry contains ‘BASISSET’, it will be removed anyway. Useful when different series of basis sets are defined
- from_file(file, fmt='crystal', append=False)
Basis set from a file
- Parameters:
file (file) – Basis set definition.
fmt (str) –
Format string. Consistent with BSE python API. For non-CRYSTAL formats, only all-electron basis sets are supported. Charge of each shell will be automatically assigned to get charge neutral atoms.
append (bool) – Whether to cover old entries. If the old entry contains ‘BASISSET’, it will be removed anyway. Useful when different series of basis sets are defined
- from_obj(bs_obj, append=False)
Define basis set from a
object.- Parameters:
bs_obj (BasisSetBASE)
append (bool) – Whether to cover old entries. If the old entry contains ‘BASISSET’, it will be removed anyway. Useful when different series of basis sets are defined
- class SCF
SCF block object
- property data
Print formatted input. Redefined to address the END keywords of FIXINDEX blocks
- rhf(rhf='')
- uhf(uhf='')
- rohf(NSPIN='')
- property dft
Subblock object DFT
- property hf3c
Subblock object HF3C
- property hfsol3c
Subblock object HFSOL3C
- property dftd3
Subblock object DFTD3
- property gcp
Subblock object GCP
- gcpauto(gcpauto='')
- atomspin(NA='', LA=[])
- toldee(ITOL=6)
- guessp(guessp='')
- maxcycle(MAX=50)
- ldremo(value='')
- smear(WIDTH='')
- levshift(ISHIFT='', ILOCK='')
- shrink(IS='', ISP='', IS1='', IS2='', IS3='')
Shrink parameters.
- tolinteg(ITOL1=7, ITOL2=7, ITOL3=7, ITOL4=7, ITOL5=14)
- biposize(ISIZE=4000000)
- exchsize(ISIZE=4000000)
- bipolar(ITCOUL=18, ITEXCH=14)
- nobipola(nobipola='')
- nobipcou(nobipcou='')
- nobipexc(nobipexc='')
- fmixing(IPMIX=30)
- diis(diis='')
- nodiis(nodiis='')
- diisallk(diisallk='')
- sloshing(sloshing='')
- histdiis(NCYC='')
- thrediis(DEDIIS='')
- thrkdiis(DIISTHR='')
- sloshfac(FKERK=1.2)
- prtdiis(prtdiis='')
- anderson(anderson='')
- broyden(W0=0.0001, IMIX=50, ISTART=2)
- ppan(ppan='')
- gradcal(gradcal='')
- exchange(exchange='')
- postscf(postscf='')
- cmplxfac(WEIGHT=2.0)
- repldata(repldata='')
- stdiag(stdiag='')
- fixindex(fixindex='')
Fixindex keywords.
‘GEOM’ is a
object. To modify keywords (‘CRYSTAL’ as example), useinput.scf.geom.crystal()
.‘BASE’ is a
object. To define basis set from bse, useinput.scf.base.from_bse()
.‘GEBA’ is a
object. To modify keywords (‘CRYSTAL’ as example), useinput.scf.geba.geom.crystal()
- property geom
Subblock object GEOM
- property base
Subblock object BASE
- property geba
Subblock object GEBA
- class DFT
DFT block object
- spin(spin='')
- exchange(ex='')
- correlat(cor='')
- xcfunc(xc='')
- sr_omega(sr_omega='')
- mr_omega(mr_omega='')
- lr_omega(lr_omega='')
- sr_hyb_wb97x(sr_c='')
- lsrsh_pbe(omega='', sr_c=0.0, lr_c=0.0)
- lgrid(lgrid='')
- oldgrid(oldgrid='')
- xlgrid(xlgrid='')
- xxlgrid(xxlgrid='')
- xxxlgrid(xxxlgrid='')
- hugegrid(hugegrid='')
- radial(NR='', RL=[], IL=[])
- angular(NI='', AL=[], LEV=[])
CRYSTALpytools.base.extfmt module
Classes and methods to parse multiple external output formats by ‘crystal’ and ‘properties’ executables, such as ‘BAND.DAT’ and ‘fort.25’ formats.
- class CrgraParser
A collection of functions to parse Crgra fort.25 files. Instantiation of this object is not recommaneded.
- classmethod band(filename)
Parse fort.25 file for electron / phonon band structure(‘-%-BAND’). Unit: eV / THz. E Fermi is aligned to 0.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – File name
- Returns:
spin (int) – 1, closed shell; 2, open shell
tick_pos (array) – n_tick*1 array of 1D tick coordinates. Unit: Angstrom
tick_label (list) – n_tick*1 of default tick labels
efermi (float) – Fermi energy. Unit: eV. 0 for phonon bands.
bands (array) – n_bands*n_kpoints*spin array of energy / frequency. Unit: eV / THz
k_path (array) – 1D coordinates of k points. Unit: Angstrom
unit (str) – ‘eV’ or ‘THz’
- classmethod dos(filename)
Parse fort.25 file for electron / phonon density of states (‘-%-DOSS’ and ‘-%-PDOS’). Unit: eV^-1 / THz^-1. E Fermi is aligned to 0. All projections must have the same energy / frequency range
- Parameters:
filename (str) – File name
- Returns:
spin (array) – 1, closed shell; 2, open shell
efermi (float) – Fermi energy. Unit: eV. 0 for phonon bands.
doss (array) – n_proj*n_energy*spin array of DOS. Positive values for both spin up and spin down states
energy (int) – Number of sampling points (energy or frequency).
unit (str) – ‘eV’ or ‘THz’
- classmethod mapn(filename, index)
Parse fort.25 file for 2D isovalue maps generated by the ‘MAPNAT’ formatted keyword block (‘-%-MAPN’). Unit: a.u.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – File name
index (int|list|None) – The sequence of ‘-%-MAPN’ headers starting from 0. List inputs are accepted. ‘None’ to read the first 1(2) MAPN entries for spin=1(2).
- Returns:
spin (array) – 1, closed shell; 2, open shell
all_a (array|list) – 3D Cartesian coordinates of MAPNET point A. 1*3 array of
is an integer or 1*1 list. 1*nIndex list otherwise. Same below.all_b (array|list) – 3D Cartesian coordinates of MAPNET point B
all_c (array|list) – 3D Cartesian coordinates of MAPNET point C
all_cosxy (float|list) – Cosine of vector AB and BC
all_struc (CStructure|list) – Extended Pymatgen Structure object.
all_map (array|list) – 2D scalar field map commensurate with MAPNET defined above, nY*nX*nSpin.
unit (str) – ‘a.u.’
- class DLVParser
A collection of functions to parse DLV / Xmgrace files. Instantiation of this object is not recommaneded.
- classmethod band(filename)
Parse BAND.DAT / PHONBANDS.DAT file for electron / phonon band structure. Unit: eV / THz. E Fermi is aligned to 0.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – BAND.DAT or PHONBANDS.DAT.
- Returns:
spin (int) – 1, closed shell; 2, open shell
tick_pos (array) – n_tick*1 array of 1D tick coordinates. Unit: Angstrom
tick_label (list) – n_tick*1 of default tick labels
efermi (float) – Fermi energy. Unit: eV. 0 for phonon bands.
bands (array) – n_bands*n_kpoints*spin array of energy / frequency. Unit: eV / THz
k_path (array) – 1D coordinates of k points. Unit: Angstrom
unit (str) – ‘eV’ or ‘THz’
- classmethod dos(filename)
Parse DOSS.DAT / PHONDOS.DAT file for electron / phonon density of states. Unit: eV^-1 / THz^-1. E Fermi is aligned to 0. All projections must have the same energy / frequency range
- Parameters:
filename (str) – File name
- Returns:
spin (array) – 1, closed shell; 2, open shell
efermi (float) – Fermi energy. Unit: eV. 0 for phonon bands.
doss (array) – n_proj*n_energy*spin array of DOS. Positive values
energy (int) – Number of sampling points (energy or frequency).
unit (str) – ‘eV’ or ‘THz’
- classmethod fort35(filename)
Keyword ‘DLV_BAND’. For 3D band structures in reciprocal space. 3D and 2D systems only.
- Returns:
rlatt (array) – 3*3 reciprocal lattice matrix in Bohr.
bandnew (array) – nBand*nZ*nY*nX*nSpin array of 3D band in Hartree.
unit (str) – ‘a.u.’
- class TOPONDParser
A collection of functions to parse TOPOND output files. Instantiation of this object is not recommaneded.
- classmethod contour2D(filename)
Parse TOPOND 2D scalar contour plot files (SURF*.DAT). Unit: a.u.
- Parameters:
filename (str)
- Returns:
spin (array) – Always 1
a (array) – 3D Cartesian coordinates of MAPNET point A (xmin, ymax)
b (array) – 3D Cartesian coordinates of MAPNET point B (xmin, ymin)
c (array) – 3D Cartesian coordinates of MAPNET point C (xmax, ymin)
cosxy (float) – Always 0
struc (None) – Always None
map (array) – 2D scalar field map commensurate with MAPNET defined above. nY*nX*1 (spin dimension kept but no use).
unit (str) – ‘a.u.’
- classmethod traj(filename)
Parse TOPOND trajectory plot files (TRAJ*.DAT). Unit: a.u.
- Parameters:
filename (str)
- Returns:
wtraj (list[int]) – 1*nPath, weight of the path
traj (list[array]) – 1*nPath, list of critical paths. Every array is the nPoint*3 3D ref framework coordinates of points on the path.
unit (str) – ‘a.u.’
- class BOLTZTRAParaser
A collection of functions to parse BOLTZTRA output files. Instantiation of this object is not recommaneded.
- classmethod tensor(filename)
Read properties in tensor forms, include KAPPA, SEEBECK, SIGMA, SIGMAS.
- Returns:
spin (int) – 1 for closed shell and 2 for open shell.
type (str) – Type of tensor output.
v (float) – Volume in cm:math:^{3}.
t (array) – Temperature in K.
mu (array) – Chemical potential in eV.
dc (array) – nT*nMu*nspin array of carrier density. Unit: cm:math:^{-3}.
tensor (array) – nT*nMu*ndimen*nspin array of tensor elements.
unit (str) – Unit of tensor.
- classmethod distribution(filename)
Read transport distribution function.
- Returns:
spin (int) – 1 for closed shell and 2 for open shell.
type (str) – Type. Currently only ‘TDF’
energy (array) – nEnergy*nspin array, Energy in eV.
distr (array) – nEnergy*nDimen*nspin array of distribution. Unit: \(\hbar^{-2}.eV.fs.\AA^{-2}\).
- class CUBEParser
A collection of functions to parse CRYSTAL CUBE files. Instantiation of this object is not recommaneded.
Developed especially for CUBE formatted output of CRYSTAL. Lattice parameters must be included in the comment line in Bohr and degree.
- classmethod read_cube(filename)
Read CUBE formatted files. For base vectors, they are defined by 4 points, origin, a, b and c.
- Parameters:
filename (str)
- Returns:
origin (array) – 1*3 Cartesian coordinates of origin. Unit: \(\AA\).
a (array) – 1*3 Cartesian coordinates of grid x base vector end. Unit: \(\AA\).
b (array) – 1*3 Cartesian coordinates of grid y base vector end. Unit: \(\AA\).
c (array) – 1*3 Cartesian coordinates of grid z base vector end. Unit: \(\AA\).
struc (CStructure) – Extended Pymatgen Structure object.
grid (array) – nZ*nY*nX array of 3D data grid.
unit (str) – Data grid unit, ‘a.u.’
CRYSTALpytools.base.inputbase module
Base object of all the input (d12/d3) blocks.
- class BlockBASE(bg, ed, dic)
The base class of ‘block’ objects
- Parameters:
bg (str) – Beginning line. Keyword or title
ed (str) – Ending line.
dic (dict) – Keyword and value (in text) pairs. Format is listed below.
- Returns:
self (BlockBASE) – New attributes listed below
self._block_bg (str) – Keyword of the block
self._block_ed (str) – End of block indicator, ‘END’
self._block_data (str) – Formatted text string for d12.
self._block_dict (dict) – Keyword and value (in text) pairs. Key: CRYSTAL keyword in string. Value: A 3*1 or 4*1 list, see below. * 1st element: For keywords: String, formatted output;
, not including the keyword;''
, keyword only * 1st element: For subblocks: Name of the ‘real’ attribute (protected by property decorator) * 2nd: bool, whether it is a sub-block or not; * 3rd: A list of conflicting keywords. * 4th: Subblock only. String that initializes the subblock object.self._block_key (list) – Allowed keyword list
self._block_valid (bool) – Whether this block is valid and for print.
- property data
Settings in all the attributes are summarized here.
- assign_keyword(key, shape, value='')
Transform value into string formats.
- Parameters:
shape (list[int]) – 1D list. Shape of input text. Length: Number of lines; Element: Number of values
value (list | str) – List, a 1D list of arguments;
or a list begins with''
, return to''
or a list begins withNone
, returnNone
- Returns:
text (str) – CRYSTAL input
- static set_matrix(mx)
Set matrix-like data to get assign_keyword inputs. Used for supercell expansion matrix and strain tensor.
- Parameters:
mx (list | str) –
, or''
- Returns:
shape (list) –
1D list. All elements are ndimen.value (list) –
1D list. Flattened matrix.
- static set_list(*args)
Set list-like data to get assign_keyword inputs. Used for lists with known dimensions. Such as atom coordinate list.
- Parameters:
*args –
, Clean data;None
, Return keyword only;int, list
, int for length of the list, list for list data- Returns:
shape (list) – 1 + length 1D list or []
args (list) – Flattened list, [] or ‘’
- clean_conflict(key)
Addressing the conflictions between keywords.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The keyword specified.
- update_block()
Update the
attribute: Summarizing all the settings to_block_data
attribute for inspection and print
- analyze_text(text)
Analyze the input text and return to corresponding attributes
CRYSTALpytools.base.output module
Classes and methods to parse the output files (screen output, or .out and .outp files) of ‘crystal’ and ‘properties’ executables.
- class GeomBASE
A container of basic methods for SCF geometry.
- classmethod read_geom(data)
Read lattice from ‘A B C ALPHA BETA GAMMA’ block, periodic boundary condition and atom positions from ‘ATOMS IN THE ASYMMETRIC UNIT’ block. It terminates at the first empty line after that block.
- Parameters:
data (DataFrame) – Pandas DataFrame of the output
- Returns:
struc (CStructure) – Extended Pymatgen Structure
- class SCFBASE
A container of basic methods for SCF loop.
- classmethod get_SCF_blocks(data)
Get SCF convergence block from output file.
- Parameters:
data (DataFrame) – Pandas DataFrame of the output.
- Returns:
nSCF (int) – Number of SCF blocks
SCFrange (array[int, int]) – The beginning and ending points of every SCF block.
- classmethod read_convergence(data)
Read a SCF convergence block.
- Parameters:
data (DataFrame) – Pandas DataFrame of the SCF convergence block.
- Returns:
ncyc (int) – Number of cycles
endflag (str) – ‘terminated’, ‘converged’, ‘too many cycles’ and ‘unknown’
e (array) – nCYC*1 array of SCF energy. Unit: eV
de (array) – nCYC*1 array of SCF energy difference. Unit: eV
spin (bool) – Whether the system is spin-polarised.
efermi (array) – Fermi energy. Unit: eV
gap (array) – Band gap. Unit: eV
- class OptBASE
A container of basic methods for Opt loop.
- classmethod get_opt_block(data)
Get optimization convergence block (every OPT step) from output file.
- Parameters:
data (DataFrame) – Pandas DataFrame of the output.
- Returns:
nOPT (int) – Number of OPT steps
OPTrange (array[int, int]) – The beginning and ending points of every OPT step.
endflag (str) – ‘terminated’, ‘converged’, ‘failed’ and ‘unknown’
- classmethod read_opt_block(data)
Read information of every OPT step from output file.
- Parameters:
data (DataFrame) – Pandas DataFrame of the output.
- Returns:
e (float) – Final SCF energy with corrections. Unit: eV
de (float) – Final SCF energy difference with last OPT step. Unit: eV
struc (CStructure) – Modified pymatgen structure.
maxg (float) – Max energy gradient convergence. Unit: Hartree / Bohr.
rmsg (float) – RMS energy gradient convergence. Unit: Hartree / Bohr,
maxd (float) – Max displacement convergence. Unit: Bohr.
rmsd (float) – RMS displacement convergence. Unit: Bohr.
- class PhononBASE
A container of basic methods for phonon information.
- classmethod readmode_basic(data, IRREP)
Read basic frequency information.
- Parameters:
data (Series) – Pandas series. The block containing frequency info.
IRREP (list[str]) – Irreducible representations in Mulliken symbols. Used for phonon dispersion only.
- Returns:
frequency (array[float]) – nmode * 1
mode_symm (array) – nmode * 1
intens (array[float]) – nmode * 1
IR (array[bool]) – nmode * 1
Raman (array[bool]) – nmode * 1
- classmethod readmode_eigenvector(data, nmode)
Get mode eigenvectors.
- Returns:
eigvt (array[float]) – nmode*natom*3 array.
- classmethod classical_amplitude(struc, freq)
Get classical amplitude of phonon modes Under Testing
\[x = \sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{\mu\omega}}\]- Parameters:
struc (Structure) – Pymatgen structure
freq (float|array) – Frequency. Unit: THz
- Returns:
classic_a (array) – nfreq*3natom*3natom array, or 3natom*3natom if
is float. The diagonal matrix of classical amplitude.
- classmethod normalize_eigenvector(eigvt, amplitude=1.0)
Normalize the mode of eigenvectors.
- Parameters:
eigvt (array[complex]) – nmode*natom*3 array.
amplitude (float) – Amplitude of normalization
- Returns:
eigvt (array[complex]) – Normalized eigenvector.
- classmethod clean_q_overlap(crysout, threshold)
Remove the repeated q points at both ends of line segment when dispersion is read. The weight of q points will be updated here.
- Parameters:
crysout (Crystal_output) –
objectthreshold (float) – The q point overlap threshold.
- classmethod clean_imaginary(crysout, threshold)
Set negative frequenceies and related properteis to 0 and print warning message. Eigenvectors are kept.
- Parameters:
crysout (Crystal_output) –
objectthreshold (float) – The threshold to identify a phonon mode as negative.
- class POutBASE(filename)
Base object for Properties output file. Auxiliary information is substracted. Other data is read from formatted files respectively.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Properties output file name.
- get_geometry()
Get geometry from properties output calculation.
- Returns:
struc (CStructure) – Modified Pymatgen structure
- get_lattice()
Get lattice matrix from properties output calculation. A 3D lattice is generated since no dimensionality information is provided.
- Returns:
matrix (array) – 3*3 lattice matrix
- get_topond_geometry()
Get the cluster geometry and plot plane base (2D only) from TOPOND calculation output.
- Returns:
atomsplt (array) – Atomic numbers and coordinates in plotting frame.
base (array) – Valid for 2D plots only 3*3 range of orthogonal plotting base x and y. A: (xmin, ymax), B: (xmin, ymin), C: (xmax, ymin). Unit: Bohr.
- get_reciprocal_lattice()
Get reciprocal lattice matrix from properties output calculation. A 3D lattice is generated since no dimensionality information is provided.
- Returns:
matrix (array) – 3*3 reciprocal lattice matrix
- get_3dkcoord()
BANDS calculation only. Get 3D fractional coordinates of high-symmetry and sampled k points from output file.
- Returns:
tick_pos3d (array) – ntick*3 array of fractional coordinates of high symmetry k points
k_pos3d (array) – nkpoint*3 fractional coordinates of k points
- get_XRDSPEC()
The keyword ‘XRDSPEC’ only. Get calculated XRD spectra.
- get_Fermi()
Get Fermi energy in eV from the common block.
CRYSTALpytools.base.plotbase module
Base functions for plotting 2D and 3D figures
- plot_overlap_bands(ax, bands, k_xax, k_path, k_label, energy_range, k_range, band_label, band_color, band_linestyle, band_linewidth, fermi, fermi_color, fermi_linestyle, fermi_linewidth, legend, **kwargs)
The plotting function for overlapped band structures of electron or phonon. Also can be used to get a single band.
You must specify colors in string. List of RGB values are not allowed and might lead to unexpected errors.
- Parameters:
ax (Axes) – Matplotlib Axes object. To be passed from wrapper functions.
bands (list) – Band structure, 1*nSystem list of nBand*nKpoint*nSpin numpy arrays.
k_xax (list) – Coordinates of x axis. 1*nSystem list.
k_path (list) – Coordinates of high-symmetric k points, 1*nSystem list of 1*nTick numpy arrays. Unit: \(\AA^{-1}\).
k_label (list[str] | None) – 1*nTick list of strings of the label for high symmetry points along the path. mathtext experssions can also be used as in matplotlib.
energy_range (list) – 1*2 list of plotting energy range.
k_range (list) – 1*2 list of plotting k range. Can either be length (float) or k label (str). Must be used with
and the same set ofk_label
.band_label (list) – 1*nSystem or nSystem*2 (spin) plot legend. If spin>1 and 1*nSystem list is used, they are marked with the same label.
band_color (list) – 1*nSystem or nSystem*2 (spin) plot color. If spin >1 and 1*nSystem list is used, they are in the same color.
band_linestyle (list) – 1*nSystem or nSystem*2 (spin) linestyle string. If spin>1 and 1*nSystem list is used, they are in the same style.
band_linewidth (list) – 1*nSystem or nSystem*2 (spin) width of the plot lines. If spin>1 and 1*nSystem list is used, they are in the same width.
fermi (float | None) – Fermi energy. By default the band is aligned to 0. Can be used to offset the band. None for not plotting Fermi level.
fermi_color (str) – Color of the Fermi level.
fermi_linestyle (str) – Line style of Fermi level.
fermi_linewidth (float) – Width of the Fermi level.
legend (str|None) – Loc parameter passed to axes.legend() None for not adding legend.
**kwargs – Other commands passed to matplotlib
method when plotting bands. Applied to all bands.
- Returns:
ax (Axes) – Matplotlib Axes object.
- plot_compare_bands(ax, bands, k_xax, k_path, k_label, not_scaled, energy_range, k_range, band_label, band_color, band_linestyle, band_linewidth, fermi, fermi_color, fermi_linestyle, fermi_linewidth, legend, **kwargs)
The plotting function for band structures of electron or phonon in different panels.
You must specify colors in string. List of RGB values are not allowed and might lead to unexpected errors.
- Parameters:
ax (Axes) – Matplotlib Axes object or a flatted list of them. To be passed from wrapper functions.
bands (list) – Band structure, 1*nSystem list of nBand*nKpoint*nSpin numpy arrays.
k_xax (list) – Coordinates of x axis. 1*nSystem list.
k_path (list) – Coordinates of high-symmetric k points, 1*nSystem list of 1*nTick numpy arrays. Unit: \(\AA^{-1}\).
k_label (list) –
nSystem*nTick or 1*nTick list of strings of the label for high symmetry points along the path. If a 1D list is given, the same labels are used for all the systems. mathtext experssions can also be used as in matplotlib.
not_scaled (bool) – Whether to scale the x-axis for different volumes.
energy_range (list) – 1*2 list of plotting energy range.
k_range (list) – 1*2 list of plotting k range. Can either be length (float) or k label (str). Must be used with
and the same set ofk_label
.band_label (list) – 1*nSystem or nSystem*2 (spin) plot legend. If spin>1 and 1*nSystem list is used, they are marked with the same label.
band_color (list|str) – A color string or 1*2 color list for spin. If nSpin>1 but a string is given, same color for both spins.
band_linestyle (list|str) – A linestyle string or 1*2 linestyle list for spin. If nSpin>1 but a string is given, same linestyle for both spins.
band_linewidth (list|float) – A linewidth number or 1*2 linewidth list for spin. If nSpin>1 but a string is given, same linewidth for both spins.
fermi (float | None) – Fermi energy. By default the band is aligned to 0. Can be used to offset the band. None for not plotting Fermi level.
fermi_color (str) – Color of the Fermi level.
fermi_linestyle (str) – Line style of Fermi level.
fermi_linewidth (float) – Width of the Fermi level.
legend (str|None) –
Loc parameter passed to axes.legend() None for not adding legend.
**kwargs – Other commands passed to matplotlib
method when plotting bands. Applied to all bands.
- Returns:
ax (Axes) – Matplotlib Axes object or a flatted list of them.
- plot_doss(ax, doss, energy, beta, prj, energy_range, dos_range, dos_label, dos_color, dos_linestyle, dos_linewidth, fermi, fermi_color, fermi_linestyle, fermi_linewidth, legend, plot_vertical, **kwargs)
The base function to plot electron / phonon density of states on one axes.
- Parameters:
ax (Axes) – Matplotlib Axes object.
doss (numpy.ndarray) – nProj*nEnergy*nSpin array of DOS. Positive values for both spin up and spin down states.
energy (numpy.ndarray) – 1*nEnergy array of energy.
beta (str) – Plot settings for \(eta\) states (‘up’ or ‘down’).
prj (list) – Index of selected projections, consistent with the first dimension of the
, starting from 1.energy_range (list) – 1*2 list of energy range.
dos_range (list) – 1*2 list of DOS range.
dos_label (list) – 1*nProj or nProj*2 (spin) plot legend. If spin>1 and 1*nProj list is used, they are marked with the same label.
dos_color (list) – 1*nProj or nProj*2 (spin) plot color. If spin>1 and 1*nProj list is used, they are in the same color.
dos_linestyle (list) – 1*nProj or nProj*2 (spin) linestyle string. If spin>1 and 1*nProj list is used, they are in the same style.
dos_linewidth (list) – 1*nProj or nProj*2 (spin) width of the plot lines. If spin>1 and 1*nSystem list is used, they are in the same width.
fermi (float|None) – Fermi energy in eV. By default the band is aligned to 0. Can be used to offset the band. None for not plotting Fermi level.
fermi_color (str|None) – Color of the Fermi level.
fermi_linestyle (str|None) – Line style of Fermi level.
fermi_linewidth (float|None) – Width of the Fermi level.
legend (str|None) –
Loc parameter passed to axes.legend() None for not adding legend.
plot_vertical (bool) – Developer Only Get vertical (DOS-Energy) DOS plots.
**kwargs – Other commands passed to matplotlib
method when plotting bands. Applied to all bands.
- Returns:
ax (Axes) – Matplotlib axes object
- plot_banddos(bands, doss, k_label, beta, overlap, prj, energy_range, k_range, dos_range, band_width, band_label, band_color, band_linestyle, band_linewidth, dos_label, dos_color, dos_linestyle, dos_linewidth, fermi, fermi_color, fermi_linestyle, fermi_linewidth, figsize, legend, **kwargs)
The base function to plot electron / phonon band structure + DOS. A single system only.
Input arguments not in the list are consistent with
.- Parameters:
bands (ElectronBand) – A
object.doss (ElectronDOS) – A
objectband_width (int|float) – Relative width of band structure, times of the width of a DOS subplot.
overlap (bool) – Plot DOS projections into the same axes or multiple axes.
- Returns:
fig (Figure) – Matplotlib figure object
- plot_2Dscalar(fig, ax, data, base, levels, contourline, isovalue, colormap, cbar_label, a_range, b_range, rectangle, edgeplot, xticks, yticks, **kwargs)
Plot 2D scalar field map.
- Parameters:
fig (Figure) – Matplotlib Figure object
ax (Axes) – Matplotlib Axes object
data (array) – 2D map data.
base (array) – 3*3 Cartesian coordinates of points A, B, C to define a 2D map. Vectors BA and BC are used.
levels (array|None) – Contour line / color isovalues. It also defines the range of data.
contourline (list|None) – If not None, set line styles and colors of every contourline. nLevel*3 list of matplotlib plot color, linestyle and linewidth.
isovalue (str|None) – If not None, set the format of isovalues added to contourlines. Useful only when
is not None.colormap (str|None) – If not None, set the colormap of color-filled contour plots.
cbar_label (str) – Title of colorbar. Useful only when
is not None.a_range (list) – Range of \(a\) axis (x, or BC) in fractional coordinate.
b_range (list) – Range of \(b\) axis (x, or AB) in fractional coordinate.
rectangle (bool) – If \(a, b\) are non-orthogonal, plot a rectangle region and reset \(b\). If used together with
, that refers to the old \(b\).edgeplot (bool) – Whether to plot plane edges
xticks (int) – Number of ticks in the x direction.
yticks (int) – Number of ticks in the y direction.
**kwargs – Other arguments passed to
function to set contour lines.
- Returns:
fig (Figure) – Matplotlib Figure object
- plot_2Dvector(fig, ax, data, base, scale, colorquiver, levels, colormap, cbar_label, a_range, b_range, rectangle, edgeplot, xticks, yticks, **kwargs)
Plot 2D vector field map.
- Parameters:
fig (Figure) – Matplotlib Figure object
ax (Axes) – Matplotlib Axes object
data (array) – 2D vector map data, in nY*nX*3.
base (array) – 3*3 Cartesian coordinates of points A, B, C to define a 2D map. Vectors BA and BC are used.
scale (float) – Tune the length of arrows.
colorquiver (str) – Specify the color of arrows or ‘colored’ for color- coded quiver plots.
levels (array) – Contour color isovalues. It also defines the range of data. Useful only if
.colormap (str|None) – Set the colormap of color-filled contour plots. Useful only if
.cbar_label (str) – Title of colorbar. Useful only if
.a_range (list) – Range of \(a\) axis (x, or BC) in fractional coordinate.
b_range (list) – Range of \(b\) axis (x, or AB) in fractional coordinate.
rectangle (bool) – If \(a, b\) are non-orthogonal, plot a rectangle region and reset \(b\). If used together with
, that refers to the old \(b\).edgeplot (bool) – Whether to plot plane edges
xticks (int) – Number of ticks in the x direction.
yticks (int) – Number of ticks in the y direction.
**kwargs – Other arguments passed to
function to set contour lines.
- Returns:
fig (Figure) – Matplotlib Figure object
CRYSTALpytools.base.propd3 module
Classes and methods of keywords used in ‘properties’ input file (d3).
- class PInputBlock
The base class of a ‘property input block’, i.e., a properties calculation, with non-repeated keywords.
- rdfmwf(rdfmwf='')
- band(TITLE='', NLINE='', ISS='', NSUB='', INZB='', IFNB='', IPLO='', LPR66='', path=[])
can either be a NLINE*2 list of string (labels), or a NLINE*2*3 list of int (fractional coordinates).
- anbd(NK='', NB='', TOL='', *args)
- bwidth(INZB='', IFNB='')
- commens(ICASO='')
- pato(IBN='', NPR='')
- nosymada(nosymada='')
- newk(*args)
Inputs are separated by comma.
- pban(NB='', nbands=[])
- pgeomw(pgeomw='')
- pdide(EMI='', EMX='')
- property adft
Subblock object ADFT.
- property acor
Alias of block ADFT.
- property edft
Subblock object EDFT.
- property enecor
Alias of block EDFT.
- property clas
Subblock object CLAS. Call
to set parameters. Callself.clas.coordina()
(for example) to set mapnet keywords.- Parameters:
IDER (int) – Order of the derivative
IFOR (int) – Number of point multipoles
charge (list) – Formal net charge
NPY (int) – Number of points (MAPNET). Default 100.
- property echg
Subblock object ECHG. Call
to set parameters. Callself.echg.coordina()
(for example) to set mapnet keywords.- Parameters:
IDER (int) – Order of the derivative
NPY (int) – Number of points (MAPNET). Default 100.
- property ech3
Subblock object ECH3. Call
to set parameters. Callself.ech3.range()
(for example) to set 3D grid keywords.- Parameters:
NP (int) – Number of points along the first direction
- property potm
Subblock object POTM. Call
to set parameters. Callself.potm.coordina()
(for example) to set mapnet keywords.- Parameters:
IDER (int) – Order of the derivative
ITOL (int) – Penetration tolerance
NPY (int) – Number of points (MAPNET). Default 100.
- property pot3
Subblock object POT3. Call
to set parameters. Callself.pot3.range()
(for example) to set 3D grid keywords.- Parameters:
NP (int) – Number of points along the first direction
ITOL (int) – Penetration tolerance
- potc(ICA='', NPU='', IPA='', datagrid=[])
corresponds to X, Y, Z, ZP, ZM and ZD parameters, which can be NPU*3 (ICA=0
), 2*1 (ICA=1
) or 3*1 (ICA=2
) lists.
- hirshchg(hchg='')
- ppan(pchg='')
- emdldm(N='', PMAX='', STEP='', IPLO='', hkl=[], ICASO='', NSA1='', NSA2='')
is a N*3 list of int.
- kinetemd(PMAX='', PINT='', STEP='', STEPDIST='', ICASO='')
- poli(IDIPO='', ITENS='', LPR68='')
- polspin(IDIPO='', ITENS='', LPR68='')
- anisotro(keyword='', N='', IA='')
Available keywords: ‘ALL’, ‘UNIQUE’, ‘SELECT’
- isotropic(keyword='', N='', IA='')
Available keywords: ‘ALL’, ‘UNIQUE’, ‘SELECT’
- doss(NPRO='', NPT='', INZB='', IFNB='', IPLO='', NPOL='', NPR='', *args)
Energy range (BMI, BMA, 2*1 list) and projections (N, NDM, Nproj*(NDM+1) list) are defined by extendable list variables. If both are defined, projections should be the last entry.
- coop(NINT='', NPT='', INZB='', IFNB='', IPLO='', NPOL='', NPR='', *args)
Energy range (BMI, BMA, 2*1 list) and projections (N, NDM, Nproj*(NDM+1) list) are defined by extendable list variables. If both are defined, projections should be the last entry.
- cohp(NINT='', NPT='', INZB='', IFNB='', IPLO='', NPOL='', NPR='', *args)
Energy range (BMI, BMA, 2*1 list) and projections (N, NDM, Nproj*(NDM+1) list) are defined by extendable list variables. If both are defined, projections should be the last entry.
- pscf(pscf='')
- class Properties_inputBASE
The base class of Properties_input class. At maximum 5 same ‘properties’ calculations can be appended
- property append1
- property append2
- property append3
- property append4
- property append5
- analyze_text(data)
Analyze formatted d3 file.
- Parameters:
data (str) – Formatted string.
- class EDFT
EDFT sub-block
- becke(becke='')
- savin(savin='')
- radial(NR='', RL=[], IL=[])
- angular(NI='', AL=[], IA=[])
- print(prt='')
- printout(prt='')
- tolldens(ID='')
- tollgrid(IG='')
- class Grid2D(header='')
A base class for 2D data grid (ECHG, POTM, CLAS).
- Parameters:
header (str) – Formatted headers
- coordina(crda='', crdb='', crdc='')
- atoms(IA='', IB='', IC='')
IA IB IC are 4*1 lists
- rectangu(rec='')
- margins(ABM='', CDM='', ADM='', BCM='')
- print(prt='')
- angstrom(ang='')
- bohr(br='')
- fraction(frac='')
- class ECHG(header='')
Class for ECHG. Initialization can be done by formatted string only. Otherwise call this object from upper block.
- Parameters:
IDER (int) – Order of the derivative
NPY (int) – Number of points (MAPNET)
- class POTM(header='')
Class for POTM. Initialization can be done by formatted string only. Otherwise call this object from upper block.
- Parameters:
IDER (int) – Order of the derivative
ITOL (int) – Penetration tolerance
NPY (int) – Number of points (MAPNET)
- class CLAS(header='')
Class for CLAS. Initialization can be done by formatted string only. Otherwise call this object from upper block.
- Parameters:
IDER (int) – Order of the derivative
IFOR (int) – Number of point multipoles
charge (list) – Formal net charge
NPY (int) – Number of points (MAPNET)
- class Grid3DBASE(header='')
A base class for 3D data grid (ECH3, POT3). Not for ‘GRID3D’ keyword
- Parameters:
header (str) – Formatted headers
- scale(scale1='', scale2='', scale3='')
- range(rg1='', rg2='', rg3='')
Inputs are 2*1 lists.
[minvalue, maxvalue]
. The sequence of rg123 is consistent with CRYSTAL (2D: z; 1D: y, z; 0D: x, y, z)
- class ECH3(header='')
Class for ECH3. Initialization can be done by formatted string only. Otherwise call this object from upper block.
- Parameters:
NP (int) – Number of points along the first direction
- class POT3(header='')
Class for POT3. Initialization can be done by formatted string only. Otherwise call this object from upper block.
- Parameters:
NP (int) – Number of points along the first direction
ITOL (int) – Penetration tolerance