

Create a conda/anaconda environment

This step is not mandatory, but it makes using CRYSTALpytools very smooth. It is, therefore, very recommended. If you are new to anaconda, please follow these steps to install it on your computer.

Create a new conda environment:

conda create --name crystal python=3.9

In the line above, crystal is the name of the environment and can be set to any you like. The python=3.9 ensures that the suitable python distribution is installed.

Activate the conda environment:

conda activate crystal

Install CRYSTALpytools


CRYSTALpytools can be installed from pip. pip is a package-management system written in Python and is used to install and manage software packages (called modules in python).

pip install --upgrade CRYSTALpytools

Windows users might need to install windows-curses. This can be done by using:

pip install windows-curses

By Conda Forge

CRYSTALpytools is also available on Conda Forge:

conda install CRYSTALpytools -c conda-forge

Check Installation

To check that CRYSTALpytools was installed successfully please type:

conda list | grep -i 'crystalpytools'

For Windows users, please use:

conda list | findstr /i crystalpytools

This will return to entries containing the text string ‘crystalpytools’ (case insensitive). Here there should be ‘crystalpytools’ with version number (e.g. ‘2023.4.4’) and source (‘pypi’). If this is not the case, something went wrong during the installation. Please check the location of the environment that is being displayed. This appears at the beginning of the “conda list” command. The most common mistake at this stage is that the environment was not activated as described above.

Please note that both pip and conda can only install the functions and not the example / test cases (provided as Jupyter Notebooks. This decision was taken in order to reduce the volume of data transferred when installing. If you are interested in the example notebooks please read the ‘Testing’ section below.

Set the path to runcry and runprop

If you intend to run CRYSTAL on the machine where you are running the CRYSTALpytools, the path to your local runcry and runprop needs to be specified. To do so, please run the set_runcry_path and set_runprop_path functions:

python 3
>>> from CRYSTALpytools.execute import set_runcry_path, set_runprop_path
>>> set_runcry_path('path_to_your_runcry')
>>> set_runprop_path('path_to_your_runcry')


To test the CRYSTALpytools please run the test notebook that can be found in the examples/. directory. Code examples there also provide a convenient way to learn how the code works. The tested example code is available in the Examples and Test Cases section.