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General Structure and Usage
CRYSTALpytools: A Python infrastructure for the CRYSTAL code
Camino, Bruno, Huanyu Zhou, Eleonora Ascrizzi, Alberto Boccuni, Filippo Bodo, Alessandro Cossard, Davide Mitoli, Anna Maria Ferrari, Alessandro Erba, and Nicholas M. Harrison, Comput. Phys. Commun. 292, 108853 (2023).
title={CRYSTALpytools: A Python infrastructure for the CRYSTAL code},
author={Camino, Bruno and Zhou, Huanyu and Ascrizzi, Eleonora and Boccuni, Alberto and Bodo, Filippo and Cossard, Alessandro and Mitoli, Davide and Ferrari, Anna Maria and Erba, Alessandro and Harrison, Nicholas M},
journal={Computer Physics Communications},