CRYSTALpytools.geometry module
Class and methods to deal with geometries, including Pymatgen Structrue and Molecule geometries and CRYSTAL gui geometries
- class Crystal_gui(dimensionality=None, lattice=None, symmops=None, atom_number=None, atom_positions=None, space_group=None)
This class can read a CRYSTAL gui file into an object or substrate information of the object to generate a gui file.
- Parameters:
dimensionality (int) – Number of dimensions
lattice (array) – 3*3 lattice matrix in Angstrom
symmops (array) – n_symmops*4*3 matrices of symmetry operators
atom_number (array) – natom*1 int array of atomic numbers
atom_positions (array) – natom*3 array of Cartesian coordinates
space_group (int) – CRYSTAL space group number
- read_pmg(struc, pbc=None, vacuum=500.0, symmetry=True, zconv=None, **kwargs)
Read a pymatgen Structure object into a
object. Vacuum layer is set to 500 Angstrom as the default of CRYSTAL for low symmstry systems.- Parameters:
struc (Structure|Molecule) – Pymatgen Structure / Molecule object.
pbc (list) – 1*3 boolian list. Implements periodicity along x, y and z directions. If none, the code will read it from input structure.
vacuum (float) – Vacuum distance. Unit: Angstrom. Low dimensional systems only.
symmetry (bool) – Do symmetry analysis.
zconv (list[list[int, int]]) – 1st element: The index of atom; 2nd element: The new conventional atomic number.
**kwargs – Passed to Pymatgen SpacegroupAnalyzer object. Valid only if
- read_gui(gui_file)
Read CRYSTAL gui file and genreate a
object.- Parameters:
gui_file (str) – The CRYSTAL structure (gui) file
- write_gui(gui_file, symm=True, pseudo_atoms=[])
Write a CRYSTAL gui file (to file)
- Parameters:
gui_file (str) – The name of the gui that is going to be written ( including .gui).
symm (bool) – Whether to include symmetry operations.
pseudo_atoms (list[int]) – A list of atoms whose core is described by a pseudopotential (conventional atomic number = atomic number + 200)
- class CStructure(lattice, species, coords, symmetry_group=1, pbc=None, standarize=False, **kwargs)
Inherited from Pymatgen Structure object with added methods.
Arguments not listed are the same as Pymatgen Structure
- Parameters:
species (list[int]) – Same as pymatgen or a 1*nAtom list of conventional atomic numbers.
symmetry_group (int) – Symmetry group number or symbol in CRYSTAL convention.
pbc (list|tuple) – Periodicity.
standarize (bool) – Whether to use the CRYSTAL convention of periodic boundaries for low dimensional materials. It calls the
method.**kwargs – Other arguments passed to pymatgen Structure.
- Returns:
self (CStructure) –
- classmethod from_pmg(struc)
Get a
object from Pymatgen structure.symmetry_group
currently not available.
- property ndimen
Dimensionality (1~3) of the system.
- property species_symbol
Atom symbols.
- property species_Z
Conventional atomic numbers
- property crys_coords
Composite fractional / Cartesian atomic coordinates. Consistent with CRYSTAL conventions.
3D: Fractional
2D: Frac, Frac, Cart
1D: Frac, Cart, Cart
0D: Cart, Cart, Cart
- standarize_pbc()
Use the CRYSTAL standard periodic boundary for low dimensional materials.
- refine_geometry(**kwargs)
Get refined geometry. Useful when reducing the cell to the irrducible one. 3D only.
- Parameters:
**kwargs – Passed to Pymatgen SpacegroupAnalyzer object.
- Returns:
self (CStructure) – New attributes listed below
sg (int) – Space group number
pstruc (Structure) – Irrducible structure that is consistent with International Crystallographic Table
platt (list) – minimal set of crystallographic cell parameters
natom_irr (int) – number of irrducible atoms
atom (list) – natom*4 array. 1st element: atomic number; 2-4: fractional coordinates
- get_sg_symmops(**kwargs)
Get space group number and corresponding symmetry operations. To keep consistency with International Crystallographic Table, refined geometry is suggested.
- Parameters:
**kwargs – Passed to Pymatgen SpacegroupAnalyzer object.
- Returns:
self (CStructure) – New attributes are listed below
sg (int) – Space group number
n_symmops (int) – number of symmetry operations
symmops (array) – n_symmops*4*3 array of symmetry operations
- get_pcel(smx)
Restore the supercell to primitive cell, with the origin shifted to the middle of lattice to utilize symmetry (as the default of CRYSTAL).
- Parameters:
smx (array) – 3*3 array of supercell expansion matrix. Inverse will be taken automatically.
- Returns:
pcel (CStructure) – Pymatgen structure of primitive cell with CRYSTALpytools methods.
- get_scel(smx)
Get the supercell from primitive cell, with the origin shifted to the middle of lattice to utilize symmetry (as the default of CRYSTAL).
- Parameters:
smx (array) – 3*3 array of supercell expansion matrix
- Returns:
scel (CStructure) – Pymatgen structure of supercell
- rot_cel(vec1, vec2)
Rotate the geometry according to 2 vectors. A rotation vector is defined.
- Parameters:
vec1 (array) – A Cartesian vector before rotation
vec2 (array) – A Cartesian vector after rotation
- Returns:
rcel (CStructure) – Pymatgen structure of rotated cell
- miller_norm(miller)
Find the norm vector of a specified Miller plane
- Parameters:
miller (array | list) – Miller indices. 3*1 1D array or nmiller*3 3D array
- Returns:
vec (array) – Norm vector, normalized to 1. 3*1 1D array or nmiller*3 3D array
- write_gui(gui_file=None, pbc=None, vacuum=500.0, symmetry=True, zconv=None, **kwargs)
Read a pymatgen Structure object into a
object. Vacuum layer is set to 500 Angstrom as the default of CRYSTAL for low symmstry systems.Developing
- Parameters:
struc (Structure|Molecule) – Pymatgen Structure / Molecule object.
pbc (list) – 1*3 boolian list. Implements periodicity along x, y and z directions. If none, the code will read it from input structure.
vacuum (float) – Vacuum distance. Unit: Angstrom. Low dimensional systems only.
symmetry (bool) – Do symmetry analysis.
zconv (list[list[int, int]]) – 1st element: The index of atom; 2nd element: The new conventional atomic number.
**kwargs – Passed to Pymatgen SpacegroupAnalyzer object. Valid only if
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- class CMolecule(coords, symmetry_group=1, **kwargs)
Inherited from Pymatgen Molecule object with added methods.
- Parameters:
species (list[int]) – Same as pymatgen or a 1*nAtom list of conventional atomic numbers.
symmetry_group (int) – Symmetry group number or symbol in CRYSTAL convention.
**kwargs – Other arguments passed to pymatgen Molecule.
- Returns:
self (CMolecule) –
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>